"You’re born, you live and you die. There are no do-overs, no second chances to make things right if you frak‘em up the first time. Not in this life anyway. Like I said, you make your choices and you live with them. And in end you are those choices" (Kendra Shaw in BSG) ... Hi guys, welcome to the SO SAY WE ALL, KD's watch log or a photolog. Here in this site, have a fun with real choice of those, dass heisst, who we were in this very world. Thanks for coming. KD
2 commentaires:
KD さまは 斜に切り取られるのがお好みなのですね ちょっと目が回りそうになる時が有り うーむ すとりーと ふぉとぐらふぁーは のんフレーム?
気付きました。こけてますね、みな。右こけ。逆こけはあまりないです。画の対角の一番長い軸を使って、なおかつ右手を広く使うがゆえのクセでしょうか。右ひじ下げると 手首周りがせまいですよね。KD
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